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Delta Glass was born thanks to the totality of several years ‘experiences grown in the field of glass handcrafted production; in the Venetian land, which with its heart Venice it is known for its alchemies and secrets’ heritage going back to ancient time. It is in this way that the masters of this discipline wish to let it know and appreciate in its several and different shapes and applications.

By keeping clear the ancient origins of a really full of history land, we wish to place side by side tradition with innovation, aware of a warranty that only the well-known “made in Italy” can offer.

Our company, following the latest market’s trends and being always on the top with innovation trends, employs its own productive and creative resources in several activities.

In the fulfillment of its objectives, Delta Glass pays particular care on the detail and the research of innovative solutions, in order to guarantee a superior quality in materials and in the manufacturing processes to be able to be different from all its competitors.

A long, never ending story going on day by day in order to be transmitted to You, thanks to the great desire to accomplish every possible request of our Client.



Without any doubts the glass manufacturing can be considered a real form of Art, bringing to different shapes of creativity and aesthetical expression, being based on technical expedients, innate and acquired abilities arising from the study and experience.